Update: the playlist is now published here
I've been inspired by Cardin's High Vibes game to start my own game of tag. Although I'm not a great music buff, I've been conscious for a long time that I use songs to deliberately raise my vibrations when I'm not in the good feeling place I'd like to be in. And I've been meaning to put together a compilation of "happy" songs for myself for quite some time now.
While following the replies of some of my own and other tagees in the High Vibes game, I noticed that I'm not alone in the use of listening to music and/or singing to raise our energetic vibrations, and it dawned on me: why not ask others what their number one energy-raising song of choice would be, and compile the lot into the ultimate spirit-lifting play list!
And so, that's the purpose of this game. I want it to be quick, easy and fun for everyone to play along, and so I'm asking for just the one song from each player. Why? Because I suspect if I asked for your top three or more you'd spend some time thinking about it, and come back with a thoughtful response. But what I'd really love is your instinctive reaction. What song just pops into your head immediately and why that one? (Of course, if two or three do pop into your head automatically, then great, please include them. But the idea is not to spend time dwelling on it and just go with what comes to you in the moment)
So, here's mine:
My current favourite song to raise my energy is "Shine" by Take That. I find it so uplifting that I already posted the lyrics and a link to the video on U-tube a couple of months ago. While singing it I like to imagine that I'm receiving this message from my own Higher Self rather than giving it to, or receiving it from, another person. Read the lyrics for yourself and see what I mean. Everytime I hear it I just have to sing along, I can't help smiling, and I want to dance (though sometimes I have to confine that to dancing while sitting). This song truly stirs my soul and puts me in a happy place.
Ok, so the rules are very simple:
1. Post about the one song that makes your heart sing, and uplifts your spirit every time you hear it. If you can provide a link to lyrics and/or audio that would be fabulous. But it's not essential, so don't worry about it if you can't.
2. Include a trackback to this post
3. Tag three others and ask them to include a trackback to your post and this one when they post.
I'm going to be away from today until the end of June, and will not have internet access in the interim, so please forgive my lack of response to comments or posts. However, I will catch up with it all when I get back, and I promise to post the ultimate Songs that Make your Soul Sing playlist in mid-July.
So, now for the tagging:
Clare at Business Blog Angel
Joanna at Coaching Wizardry
Judith at Judith Morgan
Karen at Live the Power
Alan at Made to be Great
Phil at Make it Great
Cardin at Optimist Lab
Kammie at Passion Meets Purpose
Terry at Ramblings from a Glass Half Full
Kirsten at Think Postive!
Andy at The Daily Positive
Aaron at Today is that Day
I hope you all have fun with this ;-)
What a great idea! Shine is one of my favourites but I'm sure there are other great candidates...
Looking forward to seeing the full compilation in July
Posted by: Joanna Young | June 06, 2007 at 12:31 PM
You got it - I'll post mine shortly. Great idea! All the best.
Posted by: Terry Starbucker | June 06, 2007 at 06:32 PM
What fun!
I'll do my post soon.
Posted by: OptimistLab | June 07, 2007 at 02:41 AM
Hi Joanna,
You've got it — you should see a trackback soon! Thanks for thinking of me; music is dear to my heart, so this was an easy meme to dance along with.
Posted by: Adam Kayce : Monk At Work | June 13, 2007 at 10:11 PM
Whoops, sorry Hilda! You tagged Joanna, who tagged me... and I got momentarily discombobulated with all the tags open in my browser (thought I was replying somewhere else...).
Posted by: Adam Kayce : Monk At Work | June 13, 2007 at 10:42 PM
Just got back form holiday myself...will give it some thought and respond soon.
Thanks for the tag...music IS my muse:)
Have a great time off!
Posted by: Kammie K. | June 14, 2007 at 08:29 PM
Okay Hilda,
I'm done. Thanks for the tag!
You can read about my favorite song at
Posted by: Karen Lynch | June 15, 2007 at 12:51 AM
Fun game, Hilda! Thanks for adding more fun to the blog world! Here's my heart singing song:
Posted by: Jeannette | July 12, 2007 at 05:11 AM
Hi all,
thanks for your comments and trackbacks. I am trying to track all the posts, and slowly working on the final compilation. I hope to announce next week (but may also be moving house next week, so rather than turn it into a "should", I'm going to do my best to reach my deadline, but push it out if I need to).
Thanks for playing along, will let ye know when it's ready.
all the best,
Hilda xx
Posted by: Hilda | July 12, 2007 at 03:12 PM
Great idea, I've added my favourite on Jeannette Maw's blog
Posted by: Sonora Jayne Case | July 12, 2007 at 03:13 PM
Subject: Music website partnership.
Dear Hilda:
I visited your site and it seems very well related to my site. My site offers free songwriting lessons back to basic, including music theory scales, interactive audio samples and many more. In connection with this, I would like your site to link to us, so that visitors looking for free songwriting lessons/courses will be forwarded to my site. Since my site is new, I put your site in my friendster http://profiles.friendster.com/24884475.Please feedback me if you like this proposal. Thanks for your time.
Jeanine Maningo
Site representative: http://www.make-your-own-song.com/
Posted by: Jeanine Maningo | February 19, 2008 at 08:05 AM
Subject: Music website partnership.
Dear Hilda:
I visited your site and it seems very well related to my site. My site offers free songwriting lessons back to basic, including music theory scales, interactive audio samples and many more. In connection with this, I would like your site to link to us, so that visitors looking for free songwriting lessons/courses will be forwarded to my site. Since my site is new, I put your site in my friendster http://profiles.friendster.com/24884475.Please feedback me if you like this proposal. Thanks for your time.
Jeanine Maningo
Site representative: http://www.make-your-own-song.com/
Posted by: Jeanine Maningo | February 19, 2008 at 08:06 AM
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Posted by: Account Deleted | July 19, 2010 at 12:03 PM
i like this part of the post:"My mission is to help people realise that happiness is an inner state
Posted by: Creativedrugs | September 10, 2010 at 08:46 AM
This looks really interesting cause the happiness is the state you are considering to feel. Someone can be sad, but others can be happy for the same thing
Posted by: Account Deleted | April 13, 2011 at 09:41 PM