I haven't spent much time in the blogosphere this week, as I've been preparing to spend all of next week in the wild, wild West (County Sligo), with no telephone or internet. To get organised for this time out (planning, reading & writing), I had to limit my time reading blogs. However, I did manage the odd ten minutes here and there, and following are two posts I particularly enjoyed:
In my eyes, the true path to happiness is to be found not in the destination but in the journey. In Savor the Moment - Hungry for Life? Alan argues against instant gratification. "The most wonderful part of being conscious creators of our life, is the thrill of watching our creation unfold piece by piece before our very eyes." I couldn't agree more Alan! Check it out over at Made to be Great.
I read somewhere recently that only when you lose your fear of death do you really begin to live your life. It makes sense to me. And I'm always banging on about not postponing being happy until all your ducks are in a row - my motto is: go out there and live your life, and be happy right now, cos you never know when your time is up. So, Craig Harper's latest post Don't wait for the shark to bite your leg was a winner for me.
I hope you follow them up and enjoy them as much as I did.
All the best,
Hilda xx
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