The Law of Attraction states that you attract into your life that which you think about and focus your attention on. It can work in your favour and against, depending on how you're feeling about what you're thinking about. It also works both consciously and unconsciously.
The key to experiencing (mostly) what you'd like to experience in life is to consciously focus on what it is you'd like, and feel as if it is already yours. If your energy is focussed on a lack of having that which you want, you'll attract more of that lack. Hence, it is imperative to focus on the having rather than on the not having.
However, there is a major stumbling block in there. At least it is a stumbling block for me. And that is to not become attached to that which you'd like to have. This is really tricky. When you become attached, it's likely that you will fall into the lack mindset, and therefore begin to repel rather than attract what you want. I never fail to not receive what I become fiercely attached to.
And I never fail to receive what I've asked for with complete detachment.
But when I'm completely detached, my request is almost unconscious. It's a fleeting "wouldn't it be nice..." thought which manifests with surprising speed. When there's something important that I'd like to experience, I focus on it consciously, and go about visualising the end result that I'd like, and trying to feel as though it is already mine. But the more I do this positive focussing work, the more attached I become to having the experience. And the more I scupper my chances of actually receiving it...
I am generally aware of my strong attachments, but no matter how hard I try I find it really difficult to let go of them, and just allow whatever will be to be. I've been trying the expression "Let go and let God" lately and it's helped a bit, but if anyone can offer any more tips on how to stay detached (or become detached once you realise your attachment), I'd be very grateful to hear them.
How refreshingly honest!
But didn't you answer this conundrum yourself a little while ago...? Be - do - have
Just a thought!
Posted by: Joanna Young | March 29, 2007 at 08:08 PM
You're so right Joanna - I did indeed! And the irony is that I was reflecting on how useful it would be to remind myself about it everyday!
While I know that I need to go straight to being, my problem is that sometimes that's too much of a stretch for me. And whenever I'm in that situation I start thinking "I need to let go, I need to detach". And then of course the opposite happens (probably cos I'm so attached to detaching ;-) But if I change that catchphrase to "be, do, have" it might make all the difference.
So thanks Joanna. This time I'm going to post some reminders around the house until remembering to "be, do, have" becomes a daily habit.
Posted by: Hilda | March 30, 2007 at 09:38 AM
Hi Shirley, I imagine my hand in a jar with the thing inside the jar. I release my grip, turn the jar over and alas the thing is mine without so much attachment.
Another thing I do with my goals is figure out why I want whata I say that I want. For example, one of my goals is to weigh x lbs. Behind it I want to be healthy. Then rather than focusing on weighing x, I ask myself what would I do if I were healthy. What would I eat? What habits would I have? And I do those things.
That practice allows me to do 2 things: one is that I release my attachment, and the second is that I am now acting in alignment with my intentions.
In Spirit,
BTW, thanks for the link in your blogroll :-)
Posted by: Nneka | April 07, 2007 at 04:51 PM
You're very welcome Nneka, and thanks for the tips. I'll give them a try :o)
Posted by: Hilda | April 10, 2007 at 01:23 PM